AI MoCap

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

AI MoCap provides you with the motion capture data for the entire project.

MoCap data is retargeted to the character’s bones. Animated character bones are then exported ready to be loaded in any software you choose.
Imported animation data can be applied to the same character without further retargeting.

Clean AI MoCap

To get the best AI MoCap data for retargeting manually to any other character, please use the Dummy Robot character.

Format Limitations

AI MoCap export serves to carry baked animation data only. Any deformers or constraints, that are not supported by the export file format chosen, will not be preserved.

Animated Bones

AI MoCap will animate only the bones that are assigned during character validation. Please see File Formats for more detail.

Example of exported MoCap .fbx file loaded to Blender.

AI MoCap in Different Project Types

Autodesk Flow Studio AI MoCap data can be provided in multiple project types.

Live Action Easy and Live Action Advanced

AI MoCap data is provided in the FBX format for each actor and each cut individually.

AI Motion Capture

AI MoCap can be provided in the USD or FBX formats for each actor and each cut individually.

File Formats

Depending on the project type, multiple format options might be available.
Let’s go over their differences.


Baked animation data is provided for only the bones that were selected during character validation. Any bones that are not assigned during character validation or additional deformation bones will not be present in the MoCap data. Please visit the Bone Names, Distribution, and TPose page for more information on which bones can receive animation data.


Baked animation data is provided for all bones in the rig.