Maya Add-on

Estimated reading: 6 minutes

In case you missed it...

Here are the most important pages to cover before using the add-ons for validation.

Video Tutorials

Validation Process Summary

Running Validation

Characters are validated in a few simple steps:
1. Assign the body skeleton/armature (mandatory).
2. Map bones (Hips bone mandatory).
3. Assign the face mesh (optional).
4. Map eye bones (optional).
5. Run validation.

Successful Validation

01_wonder_studio_character_data folder will be created at the same location as the character scene.
All character files will be exported/copied to this folder. This folder will contain:

  • Characters scene files.
  • Characters texture files.
  • metadata.json file.
⛔ Please do not edit files in the 01_wonder_studio_character_data folder.

These files can then be uploaded to Autodesk Flow Studio.

Failed Validation

If the validation fails, error and warning messages will be shown, informing you of what went wrong.

These errors can then be fixed automatically, if the add-on provides the option, or fixed manually.

More information on errors and warnings can be found in the Character Validation Messages section of the documentation.

After correcting the errors, the validation can be rerun.

Using the Add-on

After a successful installation of the add-on, start the validation process by simply clicking the icon on the “WonderDynamics” shelf.
The main UI will pop up, and the validation process will automatically start.

The scene must be saved in order for the validation to be able to start.

It is required that all texture files, that the character uses, are also located in the same place as the scene file.

Add-on Overview

Red – Validation steps Blue – Status for each validation step
Green – Help for each validation step Yellow – UI Controls
Status Icons

There are five possible validation statuses:

 – This means that the step passed the validation.

 – This means that the step failed the validation. This will abort the validation and prevent the character from being exported.

 – This means that the step failed the validation but there is an automatic fix available. By clicking on this icon, that fix will be applied, and validations will restart.

– This means that the step didn’t pass the validation, but the character can still be exported.

 – This means that the step is skipped.

  • "Refresh Validation" – Validation will be restarted.
  • "Documentation" – Opens main Maya documentation page.
  • ">_" – This will open the script terminal where more information is shown regarding the validation.
  • "Abort" – Validation will be aborted and UI closed.
  • "Export with xGen" – Export the character with xGen. If xGen is not present in the scene, the button will be disabled by default.
  • "Export without xGen" – Even if xGen is present in the scene, the character will be exported without it.
Script terminal

Here you can see the status of the every validation step. In the case where validation failed, there will be a detaled report of what failed and how to help you fix the problem.

The same information can also be viewed in Maya’s Script Editor

Assigning the Body Skeleton

Skeleton is automatically assigned by adding the “_BODY” tag in the name of the collection holding it.

Mapping Joints

For more information regarding Joint Mapping please follow the link below: 

Assigning the Face Mesh (Optional)

For the face mesh to be validated, you need to select it and click on the + Icon in the "Face Geometry" section.For a mesh to pass validations, it needs to have the “_FACE” suffix as stated in Character Requirements.It also needs to have at least one of the blend shapes defined in Blendshapes documentation.

After face geometry is successfully validated, eye bones can be mapped.

Mapping Eye Joints (Optional)

For more information regarding Eye Bone Mapping please follow the link below:

Running the Validation

Validation will automatically run when the add-on is opened.
Validation can also be run at any time by clicking the Refresh Validation button.
Clicking on the  Automatic Fix button will also refresh the validation automatically.

After refreshing the validation, STATUS will change to indicate the new state of the requirement.

If the validation fails, appropriate messages will be displayed in the Wonder Dynamics Script Terminal section. Wonder Dynamics Script Terminal can be opened by pressing the >_ button.

Validation Messages

If the validation fails, error and warning messages will be shown, informing you of what went wrong.These errors can then be fixed automatically, if the add-on provides the option, or fixed manually.More information on errors and warnings can be found in the Character Validation Messages section of the documentation.

Message Types

[ERROR] – Messages outlining issues with the Character Requirements.

[WARNING] – Messages outlining issues with the Character Warnings.

File Error Messages

File error messages are meant to highlight any technical problem with uploaded files or discrepancy between the character's scene and the metadata file.

Error Messages

Error messages are displayed when a validation requirement is not met.

Warning Messages

Warning messages are meant to highlight any issues that might cause the character to perform sub-optimally.

Maya Specific Messages

Maya characters will have to uphold additional requirements to ensure that they are correctly functioning on the platform.

Automatic Fix

Some errors can be fixed by the add-on automatically.

Please proceed with caution when applying automatic fixes to your character scene. They may change some properties of your character scene like object names, location, rotation, scale, etc.

In Maya, validation steps that display the Automatic Fix button can be fixed automatically by clicking the button.

Exporting Data

When the validaiton passes successfully, data can be exported by choosing one of the following options:

  • "Export with xGen" – Export the character with xGen. If xGen is not present in the scene, the button will be disabled by default.
  • "Export without xGen" – Even if xGen is present in the scene, the character will be exported without it.

    Data will be exported to the 1_wonder_studio_character_data folder.

Next Steps

Please upload every file located in the 01_wonder_studio_character_data folder to Autodesk Flow Studio.

See the Character Upload page for information on how to upload your character to Autodesk Flow Studio.