Multiple main face meshes!

Estimated reading: 8 minutes

Multiple main face meshes!
More than one mesh with the tag "FACE" detected.

The FACE tag is a unique tag that should be applied to only one mesh as only one mesh can receive animation data. This message indicates that there is more than one mesh object whose name ends with this tag.

If there are multiple armature objects in your scene please make sure that only one has the “_BODY” suffix in its name.

					  > There seem to be shapes in some of the geometries in the GEO group, but face is unselected.
  > Please either configure the face in the UI or remove the blendshapes in the following geometries:
  >    - {geometry_name}

This error message means that you have on your scene under the GEO group one or more geometries that do have blend shapes but non of them are added to the UI as a face. Having this additional shapes in the character can cause problems in the platform. The case can also be that you have a face and forgot to add it to the UI.

To solve this issue, you have to either add the face to the UI or remove the blend shapes on the geometry.

					 > The selected face geometry Head_FACE does not exist in the scene.

This error means that the selected face cannot be found in the scene. This could be because the geometry was delete of renamed after adding it.

To fix this issue, remove the current face selection and add the face again.

					  > Multiple Blendshape deformers on Face.
  > This could yield unexpected results in Maya rigs.

This error means that the selected face has more than one blend shape node in its deformation chain. The can be problematic since all the shapes will be combined when importing the character in the platform and this could yield unexpected results.

To resolve this issue, remove the additional blend shapes to leave only one, or delete all of them an recreate a single one with all the shapes in it.

					  > Multiple geometries deformed by blendshape node {blendshape_node}.
  > This could yield unexpected results in Blender and USD.
  > Affected geos are: {geometry_name_1}, {geometry_name_2}

This error means that you have a single blend shape node affecting more than one geometry. Although this is supported in Maya, it is not supported in the platform.

To fix this issue, remove the offending blend shapes and re create one for each mesh.

					  > Some targets of blendshape node {blendshape_node} have in-betweens.
  > To have in-betweens in your rigs, you need to follow the guidelines outlined in
  > the documentation: {link_to_this_doc} instead of the normal maya workflow.
  > Affected blendshape: {blendshape_node}. Affected targets: {target_name_1}, {target_name_2}.

This error means that you have setup your blend shapes using regular maya in betweens. This workflow is not supported because mixing normal and inbetween shapes causes unexpected errors. To use shapes with in-betweens, you need to follow the guidelines outlined in this documentation

					  > No face blendshapes found on deformer {blendshape_node}.

This error means that the blend shape in the face geometry contains no shape targets and no animation will be applied to it.

To fix this issue you will need to recreate the blend shape node with all the shapes.

					  > Blendshape {target_name} appears multiple times in different deformers.
  > Last one will be ignored.

This message means that on several blend shape nodes on the same geometry you have repeated target names. This means that the targets will override each other.

To fix this issue, rename the conflicting targets to make sure every target has a unique name.

Currently we are not supporting multiple blend shapes nodes in the same geometry, so this warning will not appear. Instead you will get a message about multiple blend shape nodes on the same geometry

					  > No valid blendshapes! There are no blendshapes to apply animation data to.

This message means that none of the blend shape node’s target names matches any of the expected target names. Please bare in mind that only the shapes with the expected names will be animated.

To fix this issue, rename the targets in the blend shape node to match the expected ones. The re is a list of the expected names here.

					  > Multiple main face meshes!
  > More than one mesh with the tag "FACE" detected.

This message means that there are multiple geometries with the _FACE suffix on their names. Bare in mind that we can only have one face mesh.

To resolve this issue, keep the face geometry with the ‘FACE’ tag and rename the resot of the geometries so they don’t have the _FACE suffix.