Blender Add-on

Estimated reading: 7 minutes

In case you missed it...

Here are the most important pages to cover before using the add-ons for validation.

Video Tutorials

Validation Process Summary

Running Validation

Characters are validated in a few simple steps:
1. Assign the body skeleton/armature (mandatory).
2. Map bones (Hips bone mandatory).
3. Assign the face mesh (optional).
4. Map eye bones (optional).
5. Run validation.

Successful Validation

01_wonder_studio_character_data folder will be created at the same location as the character scene.
All character files will be exported/copied to this folder. This folder will contain:

  • Characters scene files.
  • Characters texture files.
  • metadata.json file.
⛔ Please do not edit files in the 01_wonder_studio_character_data folder.

These files can then be uploaded to Autodesk Flow Studio.

Failed Validation

If the validation fails, error and warning messages will be shown, informing you of what went wrong.

These errors can then be fixed automatically, if the add-on provides the option, or fixed manually.

More information on errors and warnings can be found in the Character Validation Messages section of the documentation.

After correcting the errors, the validation can be rerun.

Using the Add-on

After a successful installation of the add-on, start the validation process by simply opening the “Autodesk Flow Studio Character Validator” tab in the 3D Veiwport editor.

If the tab is not visible, expand the sidebar by clicking and pulling on the < arrow.

The scene must be saved in order for the validation to be able to start.

It is required that all texture files, that the character uses, are also located in the same place as the scene file.

Add-on Overview

Red – Introduction and docs section Yellow – Body mapping section
Green – Face mapping section Blue – Validation results and actions
Status Icons

There are five possible validation statuses:

– This means that the validation has not yet started.

– This means that the error messages will need to be addressed before rerunning the validation.

– This means that the character scene does not meet Blender’s specific requirements which must be addressed before rerunning the validation.

– This means that the character passed the validation and can be used but that there are warning messages.

 – This means that the character has passed the validation fully and can be used.


"Cleanup Character" – Runs automated cleanup of the character scene.

"Validate Character" – Runs character validation and exports files if the validation is successful.

"Open Documentation" – Opens the web documentation.

"i" – Provides a more in-depth explanation for a feature or a section.

Info Editor

Info editor is used by the add-on to output more information about the validation process.

Assigning the Body Armature

Assign the armature that will drive your character’s body animation into the Body Armature with Bones field.
You can also select the armature in the scene and use the button to populate the field.

Mapping Bones

After assigning the main pose armature, the add-on panel will expand to reveal the Assign Pose Bones section. Here you will be able to map your character’s bones.

In the Show/Hide Bone Groups section, you will be presented with body parts toggles that can help you reduce the clutter when mapping bones. By enabling or disabling groups, bone mapping fields will appear or disappear for each group respectively.

The Auto Assign Bones button will autocomplete bone mapping if your rig follows one of the supported naming conventions. Supported naming conventions are listed in the add-on above the bone group toggles and can also be referenced in the Bone Mapping, Distribution, and TPose section of the documentation.

Bone mapping fields are used to assign bones from your rig and map them to our system. You will have to assign at least one bone to the Hips field.

Mapping your rig to the Autodesk Flow Studio system can be done simply by assigning your character’s bones to corresponding fields in the add-on.

Please visit the Bone Mapping, Distribution, and TPose page for more information on best practices when mapping your character.

Assigning the Face Mesh (Optional)

In the case that your character possesses valid blendshapes that can drive your character’s facial performance, you can assign the mesh with blendshapes to the Face Mesh with Blendshapes field. You can also select the armature in the scene and use the  button to populate the field.

For the list of valid blendshapes, their functionality, and other features related to facial animation visit the Markerless Face Capture section of the documentation.

Mapping Eye Bones (Optional)

For characters that have blendshapes that control gaze and eye bones, there is an auto rigging option. If your character satisfies these criteria you can register your character’s eye bones by providing the required data in the Assign New Eye Bone section.

When assigning eye bones it is important to select the armature and enter Pose Mode. Using the Rotate tool in Local mode select the bone you wish to assign. From here you can see which axes are responsible for rotating the eye horizontally and vertically.

  • You can assign the eye to the Eye Bone Name field.

  • For horizontal rotation of the eye, assign the axis that is controlling the horizontal rotation (in the local rotation mode) in the Horizontal Axis (local) field.

  • Experiment with rotating the eye on this axis until you reach the desired limits for eye rotation to the left and the right.

  • Record this data in the Look Left (°) and Look Right (°) fields. These values can be positive or negative depending on the direction.

  • For vertical rotation of the eye, assign the axis that is controlling the vertical rotation (in the local rotation mode) in the Vertical axis (local) field.

  • Experiment with rotating the eye on this axis until you reach the desired limits for eye rotation down and up.

  • Record this data in the Look Down (°) and Look Up (°) fields. These values can be positive or negative depending on the direction.
  • By pressing the Add Eye Bone button you will register the assigned bone for Linking Eyes with provided parameters. The bone will appear in the new Assigned Eye Bones section.

  • Bone can be removed from the list by clicking the X button to the right.

Running the Validation

Validation can be run at any time by clicking the Validate Character button.

After clicking the button, STATUS will change to inform you of the validation state.

If the validation fails, appropriate messages will be displayed in the Validation results messages section.

Validation Messages

If the validation fails, error and warning messages will be shown, informing you of what went wrong.These errors can then be fixed automatically, if the add-on provides the option, or fixed manually.More information on errors and warnings can be found in the Character Validation Messages section of the documentation.

Message Types

– Messages outlining issues with the Character Setup. These errors can be fixed automatically.

– Messages outlining issues with metadata. 

– Messages outlining issues with the Character Requirements.

– Messages outlining issues with the Character Warnings.

Automatic Fix

Some errors can be fixed by the add-on automatically.

Please proceed with caution when applying automatic fixes to your character scene. They may change some properties of your character scene like object names, location, rotation, scale, etc.

In Blender, all “Cleanup” messages can be fixed automatically by clicking the "Character Cleanup" button. This action will create a backup file when performing a cleanup. It can be found at the same location as the character scene file and will be called [yourFileName]_backup.blend.

Exporting Data

When the validation passes successfully, data will automatically be exported to the 01_wonder_studio_character_data folder.

Next Steps

Please upload every file located in the 01_wonder_studio_character_data folder to Autodesk Flow Studio.

See the Character Upload page for information on how to upload your character to Autodesk Flow Studio.